5 நவம்பர், 2010
11 செப்டம்பர், 2010
9 செப்டம்பர், 2010
23 ஆகஸ்ட், 2010
CGHS empanelled Hospitals under CGHS Chennai w.e.f. 01/09/2010
Click here for Office Memorandum
Click here for Rate List
17 ஆகஸ்ட், 2010
Railways to accept bank credit card as proof of identity for travelling on e-tickets
In an yet another passenger friendly move, the Ministry of Railways has decided to accept credit cards issued by banks with laminated photograph as proof of identity for traveling on e-tickets. The new provision has come into effect from 6th August, 2010.
The bank credit card is in addition to the existing seven proofs of identity for undertaking journey on e-tickets namely;
a) Voter Identity Card,
b) Passport,
c) PAN Card,
d) Driving License,
e) Photo Identity Card issued by Central/State Government.
f) Student Identity Card with photograph issued by recognised School/College for their students and
g) Nationalised Bank Passbook with photograph.
There will be no concession including student concession admissible to the persons booking e-tickets except concession for senior citizens.
Ministry of Railways has asked all Zonal Railways to issue necessary instruction to all concerned particularly ticket checking staff so as to educate them about this modified provision and to avoid inconvenience to the passengers.
11 ஆகஸ்ட், 2010
Government of India
Ministry of Communications & IT
Department of Posts
(SR Section)
Dak Bhawan
Parliament Street
New Delhi – 110001
No. 1/4/2010-SR
Dated: – 6th August, 2010
Subject: - Secretary (P)'s meeting with Postal Joint Council of Action on 12.07.2010 – Item No. 6 – Cadre Restructuring of Group 'C' employees, other than Accounts Cadres – Constitution of a Committee
This has reference to minutes of Secretary (P)'s meeting dated 12.07.2010 circulated vide No. 08/02/2010-SR dated 14.07.2010 on the above-mentioned subject.
2. As per decision taken in regard to item No. 6, dealing with cadre restructuring of Group 'C' employees, other than Accounts Cadres, a Committee comprising the following is constituted to examine the issue.
DDG (Estt) - Chairperson
Official Side | Staff Side |
DDG (P) | Shri. K. V. Sridharan, GS, AIPEU G – 'C' |
Director (SPN) | Shri. Giri Raj Singh, GS, AIRMS & MMS EU Group 'C' |
- | Shri. D. Kishan Rao, GS, NAPE Gr. 'C' |
Shri. D. Theagarajan, General Secretary of National Union of RMS & MMS Group 'C' will attend the meetings of the Committee as an observer.
3. The Committee will submit its report within 3 months of its formation.
(Subhash Chander)
Director (SR & Legal)
24 ஜூலை, 2010
19 ஜூலை, 2010

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13 ஜூலை, 2010
6 ஜூலை, 2010
One of the major demand from Staff side JCM in National Council, now the demand has been granted by the Government and published as order.
No. 16/2/2009-Estt.(Pay I)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
2. The issue of regulation of date of next increment in case of EOL (without medical certificate) after implementation of CCS(RP) Rules 2008, has been examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure.
3. It is clarified that except as provided under the conditions laid down in this Department's OM dated 18.2.1986, qualifying service of less than six months on account of EOL (without medical certificate) between 1st July of the previous year till 30th June of the year under consideration shall have the effect of postponing the increment to 1st July of the next year. The same stipulation will also be applicable to those cases where the increment became due on 1.7.2006. In terms of this Department's O.M. No. 13017/20/85-Estt. (L) dated 18.2.1986, EOL granted for the following purposes automatically counts as qualifying service for pension and for increments without any further sanctions:-
(i) EOL granted due to inability of a Government servant to join or rejoin duty on account of civil commotion.
(ii) EOL granted to a Government servant for prosecuting higher technical and scientific studies.
4. Hindi version will follow.
27 ஜூன், 2010
26 ஜூன், 2010
Branch conference
The meeting convened as per the constitution of All India Postal Employees Union, Group ‘C’. Election conducted as per the agenda.
List of elected office bearers
President : Shri V.Sivakumar, PA, Anna Road HO
Vice Presidents : Shri K.Sivakumar, Dy PM-Try
Shri N.Srinivasan, PA, Anna Road HO
Shri K.Gunasekaran, PA, Anna Road HO
Shri J.Sundarajan, PA, Anna Road HO
Secretary : Shri P.Thiagarajan, PA, Anna Road HO
Asst Secretaries : Shri O.M.Balachandran, PA, Anna Road HO
Shri E.Chitti Babu, PA, Anna Road HO
Shri K.Mani, PA, Anna Road HO
Smt S.Ranjani, PA, Anna Road HO
Finance Secretary : Shri S.Venkatesan, PA, Anna Road HO
Asst Finance Secretary : Shri P.Prakash, PA, Anna Road HO
Org Secretaries : Smt R.Manimegalai, PA, Anna Road HO
Smt S.Malarvizhi, PA, Anna Road HO
Shri G.Gajendran, PA, Anna Road HO
Auditor : Smt Nafeesa Meera, PA, Anna Road HO
23 ஜூன், 2010
தெரிந்துகொள்ளுங்கள் நம் தொழிற் சங்க சட்டம்
(Corrected up to 14.07.2009) CONSTITUTION
Subscription : Rs 30.00 per month [Rule – 38 A]
Allocation : Branch Union use = Rs 14.50
Quota to Circle Union = 8.00
to All India = 6.00
to NFPE = 1.50
Total = Rs 30.00 [Rule – 39 (b)]
Membership and forfeiture of Rights:
Member - All serving non Gazetted Group B and Group C Postal employees shall be eligible to become members of the Union on application and expressing their agreement in writing to abide by the Constitution of the Union [Rule 6(a)]. It shall be the duty of the members to pay subscription regularly [Rule – 41 (i)].
Regular member - A member who does not default payment of subscription shall be deemed to be a regular member.
Default member - a member who is in arrears of subscription for 3 months shall be deemed to be defaulter. Defaulter shall not be eligible to be elected in any office of the union and shall not have the right to exercise the franchise in the General Body Meeting and / or Divisional / Branch Conference. [Rule – 41(ii)].
Notice of Meetings:
General Body Meeting : 7 days before the GB meeting date.
Executive Committee Meeting : 5 days before the EC meeting.
Extraordinary GB : 3 days before the meeting date.
Branch / Division Conference :15 days before the Conference date.
Emergent EC : 24 Hours before the Emergent EC date [Rule - 48].
Branch / Divisional Conference : 1/5 th of members or 100 which ever is
General Body Meeting : 1/8 th of members or 40 whichever is less.
Executive Committee Meeting : 1/3 rd of EC members [Rule – 50(a)].
No quorum is necessary for a meeting which is adjourned for want of quorum either at the commencement or during the course [Rule – 50(b)].
Quorum is compulsory to compose the house of Conference or GB or EC at the commencement of the meeting but quorum cannot be raised during the course of the meeting at will by any one [Rule – 50(c)].
Official Observer:
If the Service Union requests that an independent observer from the official side may be sent to watch the election, such an observer may be sent. It should be ensured that he belongs to a Branch of the department different from the Branch Union.
Rest in Next
31 மே, 2010
CHENNAI – 600002.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Com. V. SIVAKUMAR, Convener – Adhoc Committee
Members – Adhoc Committee
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
No. P3/ ARD /5-2010 Dt : 31.05.2010.
Branch Conference Notification
Under the provision of article No. 45 and 48 of the Constitution of the All India Postal Employees Union, Group-C, it is hereby notified that the Branch Conference of the All India Postal Employees Union, Group-C Anna Road HPO Branch will be held at Anna Road HPO Delivery Hall premises on 16.06.2010 at 18.00 hours.
The Agenda of the conference are as follows.
1. Election of Office Bearers
2. Election of Delegates to All India Conference and Circle Conference
3. Election of Councilors
4. Passing of Resolutions
5. Any other item with the permission of the Chair.
All the members are requested to kindly attend the Conference in time without fail.
Convener- Adhoc Committee,
AIPEU, Group-C,
Anna Road HPO Branch,
Chennai-600 002.
Anna Road HPO,
Copy issued to:
1. The Chief Postmaster, Anna Road HPO, Chennai – 600 002.
2. The members of AIPEU, Group-C, Anna Road HPO, Chennai - 600 002.
3. The Secretary General, NFPE, New Delhi
4. The General Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, New Delhi – 110 008.
5. The Chief Postmaster General, Tamil nadu Circle, Chennai – 600 002.
6. The Postmaster General, Chennai City Region, Chennai – 600 002.
7. The All India President, AIPEU, Group-C, CHQ, at Thiruvanaandhapuram.