December 4th is nearing. Massive preparation are going on in every circle of the country. We are receiving very encouraging reports from circles. Kerala Circle which is far away from Delhi (Up & Down Six days train journey) has already booked ticket for 600 comrades. Total expenditure for Kerala Circle alone will come to Rs. 24,00,000/- (Rs. Twenty Four Lakhs). From Tamilnadu Circle also more than 400 comrades have already booked their tickets. Highest number of employees will participate from nearby circles of Delhi i.e. Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Bihar, Uttarakhand etc. All other circles are also trying their best to mobilize maximum number of employees in the March.
Please ensure that number of employees as per the Quota fixed by the CHQ of each affiliated union participate in the historic parliament march WITHOUT FAIL. Please rise up to occasion. Wake up and act as responsible leaders of NFPE.
CHQ: Dada Ghosh Bhawan, 2151/1, New Patel Road, New Delhi - 110008

Ref:P/1-10/Circular Dated – 05.11.2014
All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries
AIPEU Group ‘C’
Dear Comrades,
This month perhaps we may deem it a holy month as we are in the jubilant mood to celebrate the NFPE Diamond Jubilee culmination function in its peak at Dwarka (Gujarat) on 23rd & 24th November 2014. In the above great event, all the surviving legend leaders of our union to a maximum extent have been invited and to be honoured. Trade union leaders, scholors, eminent personalities are to take part in the colourful grand event of our Diamond jubilee function to deliver their valuable orations. In this spot light CHQ want to share some news & events, requests needed to be penetrated to the cadres till to the tail end.
Gujarat Circle is hosting the NFPE Diamond Jubilee function. The reception committee has estimated the total expenditure will be around 15 lakh rupees. It is our ardent duty to help them by collecting Maximum advertisements for the souvenir and sent it to the reception committee before 15thNovember 2014. All you know that the delegate fee for NFPE Diamond Jubilee function fixed as Rs. 1000/-.
2. Confederation Programmes
(a) Mass squatting of Central Government Employees at a centrally located place in all state capitals on 18.11.2014.
(b) On 11.12.2014 a national convention is to be held at New Delhi organised by National Council (JCM) staff side. CCGEW has endorsed that convention and fixed a quota of 70 for NFPE.
(c) Confederation has decided to conduct an All India Trade Union workshop on 5th & 6th January 2015 at Bangalore. Several leaders are to give lectures & classes.
3. Postal JCA programmes & Directorate’s reply
Postal JCA consisting NFPE & FNPO has conducted a series of agitational programmes as decided earlier.
In response to our 39 Charter of demands, the Department replied on 29.10.2014 and we published in our website. All the demands are justifiable by us but the department’s reply is evading on several demands. Further course of action will be decided by PJCA.
3 (a) Massive Parliament March by PJCA
The PJCA’s Massive parliament March programme is scheduled on 04.12.2014. Out of 20000 as estimated by PJCA, our P3 share is 4000. All circles have been allotted according to feasibility and it is our duty for due participation alongwith by aiding, helping GDS comrades in large to fulfill their Quota of representation fixed by GDS (NFPE). It is again reitereated the weather in Delhi in December may be too cold and the winter dresses & blankets are unavoidable.
3 (b) Next PJCA meeting is fixed on 11.11.2014 at NFPE head Quarters
4. JCM Departmental Council Meeting likely in December 2014.
Earlier the staff side has submitted 158 subjects to the Department. We covered the issues of all categories of employees. The Directorate has not proposed to take 58 subjects out of 158 subjects and the remaining 100 subjects are now in the field. The reason attributed to the following grounds.
(i) Subjects pertaining to circles are to be taken at RJCM
(ii) Subjects already taken and discussed
(iii) Subjects not related to entitled class of employees under JCM.
We are in the hope that the staff side, JCM (DC) with its all out efforts, clinch results in the ensuring JCM (DC) meeting likely to be held in December 2014.
5. Our tasks ahead
(a) Enrollment of Membership
PA recruitment for this year is in the final stage in some circles and results came out in some circles. We can proudly say that the sincere efforts of our unions ensured the recruitment and filling up of all vacant PA Posts are going on.
In the past four years, more than 30000 new recruits have been inducted in PA/SA cadre. At present, more than 30% in Postal Assistant cadre are young blood and they are needed to be taught with the work of NFPE. Our tireless efforts, agitations for scrapping the ban on recruitment, filling up of all vacant posts etc. shall be educated in the young minds.
According to extant PA/SA recruitment rules, our cadre strength is more than 120000. Exclusively PAs may be counted to one lakh. If includes, HSG-I-1741, HSG-II 1721, LSG 6989, PM Grade-I 2097, PM Grade-II 511, PM Grade III 495 and others it will be around more than 113000. Is not our duty to enroll all the above to our fold? Yes. All our Divisional/Branch secretaries are requested to conduct a drive on Membeship inclusiveness. All our Divisional/Branch Secretaries are entrusted with a task of enhancing our membership to a maximum and ensure no one will be left over uncontacted.
In the year 2015, we shall mark with a distinction of achieving more than one lakh membership of AIPEU Group ‘C’ alone and further strengthen the hands of our mighty NFPE.
(b) Quota of subscription
All Divisional/Branch Secretaries are requested to remit all dues of Quota and for journal. Fund is the essential criteria for effective functioning. It is advised that timely remittance of all dues shall be ensured by the ground level leaders to enable the effective and vital functioning of CHQ:
The Circle Secretaries are requested to resurge and review the follow up in the membership enrolment and Quota remittance by divisional/branch unions.
(c) DAK JAGRITI – New Journal in the place of Bhartiya Post
Shortly, after getting RNI Registration the new monthly journal “Dak Jagriti” is tobe published in the same pattern of Bhartiya Post. “Dak Jagriti” (Bilingual English/Hindi) title is approved by the Registrar of News Papers for India and our AIPEU Group ‘C’ is the owner exclusively.
(d) Hand Book Containing Memorandum submitted to 7th CPC by Confederation & P3
Instead of yearly hand book which took less response due to repeated information, CHQ planned to release a handbook containing memorandum submitted to 7th CPC by Confederation & P3 mainly and other essential information. Those who need copies may intimate to CHQ either by Post/Phone/e-mail. All Branches are to supplied with one or two copies only. If any branch require more, only on indent it will be dispatched.
(e) Using of technological off shoots for our welfare.
You all know that NFPE and all its affiliates are having websites. AIPEU Group ‘C’ has its own website: & our e-mail ID:
All the stakeholders are requested to visit our website regularly. From the next issue of our journal, it is decided to publish it in our website after 15th of every month. It may be more useful to all the stake holders even at a later date to refer.
The Divisional/Branch secretaries are advised to have an e-mail ID, if already not, and communicate your e-mail ID to the CHQ. Through this medium, you can well share all the information about the membership, subjects taken in monthly meeting and any other information deserves to communicate. As we are growing with technology in our department, it is imperative for our union also to use it to the ground root level.
6. Last but not least
All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries are requested to make all the calls given by Confederation, NFPE, PJCA a great success. Let we start the enrollment of membership remitting quota without any loss of time, Let we share all the events and news thro e-mail also. Let we unitedly fight for the cause of our members and to all at large.
With greetings,
Comradely yours,
(N. Subramanian)
General Secretary
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